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Salo Muller
[email protected]


Salo Muller is a Dutch Holocaust survivor, writer and former Ajax physiotherapist. Born in 1936, he was scarred by the war as a child when his parents were murdered in Auschwitz. He himself managed to survive thanks to hiding addresses and the help of resistance fighters. His impressive life story forms the basis for the lectures he gives at schools, universities and other institutions. With his testimonies, Salo Muller not only wants to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive, but also make young people aware of the dangers of anti-Semitism, racism and discrimination. He stresses the importance of freedom, tolerance and the protection of human rights.

Through his personal and moving stories, he manages to leave a deep impression and inspires his audience to think critically about history and the world today. In addition to his lectures, he has written several books, including After the raid, describing his experiences as a child in hiding, and Escaped train, explaining his fight for justice against Dutch Railways. His efforts resulted in NS awarding compensation to Holocaust survivors and relatives. Salo Muller's mission is clear: the past must never be forgotten so that future generations can learn from it and work towards a more peaceful world.

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